Ring runner Wiki
Charged Caster Core

Charged Caster Core example

Ability Attributes
Equipment Tag CVT-1P-PA
Type Hostile
Activation Passive
Size 1
Cooldown 0.5 seconds
Charge Time Unknown
Base Payload Unknown
Energy Consumption Unknown
Heat Generation Unknown
Heat Consumption Unknown
Tags <Area of effect ability> <Projectile ability>
Additional Passive Unknown

Gain a charge for each manned ship you defeat.

Charges cause your ship to fire a bolt at a foe periodically. 

The period is based on the number of active charges, more charges equal a shorter period.

Activating the ability will consume a charge in order to produce an energy nova.

You gain a small amount of energy any time a bolt strikes a foe. 


Charges in Charged Caster Core are shown by stars under your ship. You can have up to five charges at once.

The energy nova is a circular volley of energy bolts, as shown in the picture. It's best used when surrounded or on top of a structure.
