Ring runner Wiki
Gemini Seeker Missile Salvo

Gemini Seeker Salvos example

Ability Attributes
Equipment Tag GEM-1U-GC
Type Hostile
Activation Active
Size 1
Cooldown 1 second
Charge Time Unknown
Base Payload 25
Energy Consumption Unknown
Heat Generation Unknown
Heat Consumption Unknown
Tags <Projectile ability> <Homing projectile ability> <Rocket ability> <Gemini consumer ability>
Additional Passive Unknown

Fire up to four guided missiles at a target, one per Gemini Beacon.  Consumes Gemini Beacons on launch.  Each warhead deals 140 damage.

If Einstein thought quantum entanglement was "spooky" back in the 1900s, he'd probably fill his pants when he heard that now it guides a salvo of rockets to your goose.

