Ring runner Wiki
Time Bomb

Time Bombs example

Ability Attributes
Equipment Tag AWP-1U-PR
Type Hostile
Activation Active
Size 1
Cooldown 1 seconds
Charge Time
Base Payload 40
Energy Consumption
Heat Generation
Heat Consumption Unknown
Tags <Area of effect ability> <Charged ability> <Projectile ability> <Mine ability>
Additional Passive Unknown

Drop a bomb that explodes after a period of time, dealing area of effect damage. 

Fuse time, damage, and explosion radius are all increased when the ability is charged. 


An uncharged bomb has a fuse of about 1 second. A fully charged time bomb has a fuse of about 3 seconds. The picture shows a fully charged bomb; an uncharged bomb is smaller.

The bomb spins and makes a distinctive ticking clock noise as it counts down.  An alert player will know to avoid it, but AI swarms and buildings may have more trouble doing so.

Time Bombs example 2

The explosion of a fully charged bomb.
